
Wonder what our users think of Instant Interest? Here are a few comments we’ve received:

  • “We’re just so glad that you guys are out there doing all this updating and that we don’t have to worry about it. We state tax people put Instant Interest up there with the wheel, fire, and the plastic bag as great inventions of mankind (although I guess technically we did not invent fire). Keep up the great work!” – D.W., State Tax Manager

  • “Very user friendly. It only took a few minutes at most to learn.” – R.A., Senior Tax Specialist

  • “No state has challenged the computations yet.” – J.N., Senior Tax Accountant

  • “Instant Interest is so easy and accurate that [our company] refuses to do any more calculations by hand.” – N.S., Senior Tax Accountant

  • “Do you dread calculating Federal and State corporate income tax interest? Well then, this program is for you.” – Computers and Taxation Journal

  • “… invaluable for audits, state returns and amended returns.” – J.D., Senior Tax Analyst

One user reported saving of 300 hours per year; another six weeks of labor. One user found a tax jurisdiction had overcharged them $80,000 in interest. Another found a $130,000 error.

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